Christmas Countdown 2022

As we move closer to Christmas, during the advent season, our family always enjoys an advent calendar and devotional time in the evenings. This is a chance to rewind, reconnect, and remember who this season is all about. We celebrate Christmas because Jesus Christ was born. We join with family to show and share love. We read an advent devotional because we want to never forget why we celebrate each year. This year, we’ve been going through the devotional book “The Dawn of Redeeming Grace” by Sinclair Ferguson.

As we’re only 11 days from Christmas, many things have already been set in place. There are lights on our house. There’s a tree in the living room. There are ornaments on the tree. There are presents under/around the tree. The dinner menu is mostly planned. Many moving parts have been put into place and are cranking. Without the call to advent, we might forget to slow down and remember who we are celebrating.

As we go through this season, let’s remember to slow down and remember who we’re celebrating!

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